(本文)根據我們的研究,在台灣診斷出骨肉瘤(Osteosarcoma)前,有52%的病人曾經因為誤以為肌肉酸痛或生長痛,而在國術館或中醫接受過推拿(manipulation)。而這些骨肉瘤病患,相對於沒有接受過推拿的骨肉瘤病患,其預後較差(poor prognosis)、肺部轉移機會較高(higher lung metastasis rate)而且手術後腫瘤局部再復發(higher local recurrence rate)的機會也較高。
2010年,刊登在著名骨科雜誌 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, British
We evaluated the long-term outcome of patients with an osteosarcoma who had undergone prior manipulative therapy, a popular treatment in Asia, and investigated its effects on several prognostic factors. Of the 134 patients in this study, 70 (52%) patients had manipulative therapy and 64 (48%) did not. The age, location, and size of tumour were not significantly different between the groups. The five-year overall survival rate was 58% and 92% in the groups with and without manipulative therapy (p = 0.004). Both the primary and overall rates of lung metastasis were significantly higher in the manipulative group (primary: 32% vs 3%, p = 0.003; overall lung metastasis rate: 51.4% vs 18.8%, p < 0.001). Patients who had manipulative therapy had higher local recurrence rates in comparison to patients who did not (29% vs 6%, p = 0.011). The prognosis for patients with osteosarcoma who had manipulative therapy was significantly poorer than those who had not. Manipulative therapy was an independent factor for survival. This form of therapy may serve as a mechanism to accelerate the spread of tumour cells, and therefore must be avoided in order to improve the outcome for patients with an osteosarcoma.
此外,因臨床回朔性之研究(retrospective study)常會有偏差(bias),因此我們也做了基礎實驗與動物實驗。我們將MG-63的骨肉瘤細胞株植入老鼠體中,並給實驗鼠進行推拿。發現14天過後,這些老鼠的肺部均發現MG-63的骨肉瘤細胞,此外,代表著合併轉移的指標『MMP-9』,也較沒有經過推拿的實驗鼠增高許多。這個結論,我們發表在2011年的國際肢體保留協會與2014年《公共科學圖書館期刊》(PLoS One) 之中。 (註二)
2014年,刊登在著名骨科雜誌 PLOS one
The prognosis for patients with osteosarcoma who have received prior manipulative therapy. Bone Joint J. 2010;92-B(11):1580-1585.
Manipulation therapy prior to diagnosis induced primary osteosarcoma metastasis--from clinical to basic research. Tang C-H, ed. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(5).